Damn Swedes.. They're everything I'm not +They make the best pop! Jonathan Johanssonsure knows how to flaunt it without acting like a total tramp (both musically n visually).
I have got to get my shit together.My laptop has the hickups.I wanna say goodbuy to everything and everyone and run away. My cat needs a lover,he's masturbatin like crazy.There's something called pigflue.I don't feel like wearing my ann dem flowerpants in public.I can't spell and my mind is possessed by a crazy emo-demon..
Finally the real releasedate for the new Spike Jonze movie; Where The Wild Things Are(Based on the wonderfull book from 1963 by Maurice Sendak),has been made official=16th Oct of 2009!....if it's just 1 procent as magical as the trailer,I think I'll prolly die from hyperBliss watching it in the cinema. ....Bah Come Fall,come Spike Jonze,Come Monsters!